Brazilian Brown Ebony

Brazilian Brown Ebony

Family: Fabaceae - Order: Fabales - Class: Magnoliopsida
Scientific name: Swartzia leiocalycina / S. benthamiana
Trade name: Brazilian Brown Ebony / Coração de Negro
Also known as Guyana Rosewood; Wamara; Bois Perdrix; Carrapatinho; Gombeira; Coração De Negro Ironwood
Origin: Brazilian Amazonia and South América

Instrumental uses:
Guitar back and sides, Fingerboards, head plates and bridges.

Tonal properties:

Similar to lapacho/Ipe. Very responsive, big sound projection with the high frequencies more detailed. Excellent results on steel string guitars.

Can be difficult to work, it bends well with some attention expended but finishes lustrous very well.

Very dense exotic wood with average dried weight 67 lbs/ft3 (1,080 kg/m3)

Grows in primary forests on well drained areas.

Trees of 20 to 25 m tall, up to 30 m, with 50 to 60 cm in diameter. The boles are straight and cylindrical, with average lengths of 15 m. Tall buttresses are present.

The direction of the grain is straight or slightly interlocked.

The color of the heartwood is usually purplish dark maroon to purplish black with lighter fine streaks.

CITES status is unrestricted. Not reported on the IUCN Red List.

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